Why do so many men, and a growing number of women, use pornography? Read more
Pastor & Sermon Resources
FREE sermons, illustrations, articles, and commentaries for pastors, Bible teachers, and church leaders. You can find, download, and print materials and resources from PastorLifehere.
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Scott Nute Global Ministries
PO Box 79016
Houston, TX 77279
Email: info@scottnute.org
Phone: 713-277-8638
The Scott Nute Story
The biography of the life & ministry of Scott Nute is available! The paperback and the Kindle e-book versions are both available on Amazon.
Monthly Newsletter Update
In nations around the world, lives are being changed by the Gospel and Christians are being trained to live for and share the Gospel through SNGM. Read of both recent and upcoming projects in our monthly updates. Read more>>
Wounded Hearts
Many of us have brokenness inside. Much of this stems from broken families where healthy relationships founded on God’s love and intimate communication were not established. Rather, there may have been alcoholism, violence, divorce, abuse, addictions, etc. Scott Nute experienced all of these as a boy. Read in Wounded Hearts how Jesus Christ continues to help Scott move forward into wholeness and how your wounded heart can get help too.