$2.14 Per Honduran Soul

We are sending our November ministry update to you early because of the timing and approaching budget deadline of our upcoming crusade November 6-7, in Santa Rosa, Honduras. We have a tremendous opportunity to impact an entire region with the Message of Jesus Christ, and I wanted to share how you can be personally involved in a very special way!

honduras1In April of this year we were in Honduras conducting our first stadium crusade, and it was tremendously blessed by God! We saw over 20,000 people attend the two-night event, with over 800 people making life-changing decisions to publicly repent of their sins and to, by faith, trust in Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior! A most significant part of the fruit resulting from that event was the generous and “specific” financial gifts we received from many of our ministry partners! The designated special gifts we received enabled our ministry to rent 155 public buses/vans, which brought thousands of people to hear about the love and hope of Jesus Christ (like the young boys to the left who, after they received Christ, were getting follow-up from a counselor we trained). And very soon in Santa Rosa, just like this past April, our ministry has been presented with a huge opportunity to once again impact an entire region in Honduras with the message of The Cross!

Santa Rosa, Honduras is a town of 42,000 people. Within a 60-mile radius there are over 15 additional small towns/villages, which means we can reach over 100,000 people through this crusade. Our Latin Crusade Director, and the involved local churches, have worked together to strategically set up a public transport system that will send buses throughout the entire region to pick up, bring, and return, countless families, youth, and children, to this unique event. The crusade is being held in a soccer stadium (at no charge) that is centrally located in this region, and the seating capacity, plus field capacity, is around 12,000. It will cost, on average, $2.14 to bring one person each night to and from the crusade. Due to the poverty level of Honduras, many people can’t attend the crusade unless transportation is provided for them. Up to 140 churches throughout the region have requested buses so that they can attend the crusade.

Will you help us bring thousands of Honduran people to hear how much Jesus Christ loves them? To fill the stadium with people, we need a minimum of $17,000 to be donated and designated specifically to the “Santa Rosa Honduras Transport.” Please consider giving a designated gift today, and 100% of your gift will be used to rent buses/vans like the one in the photo below that we rented earlier this year. You can give a convenient and safe online gift right now through our website. Or, sending your gift to our office would be greatly appreciated! Please be sure and designate your gift to the “Santa Rosa Honduras Transport.”

honduras2Over 250 Christian volunteers from the involved churches throughout Santa Rosa have already been trained by our Crusade Director in how to follow up with those who will come to Christ through this crusade. These dedicated believers are excited and ready to connect the new believers to a local church for spiritual growth! Thank you for helping us to both win the lost to Christ, and to train Christians for ministry service!

For winning the lost of Latin America,

Scott Nute

Scott Nute October 13, 2015 Filed in Newsletter No Responses

Crusade of Hope recap

crusade-of-hopeThe Crusade of Hope we just conducted in Hobbs, New Mexico (my home-state) on September 13-16 was a special experience! What a unique blessing it was to have some dear long-time friends from throughout NM attend the crusade, where we caught up on some wonderful fellowship! The Spirit of God moved through the crusade and impacted hundreds of lives throughout the Lea County NM area. With a population around 35,000 people, Hobbs consists mainly of smaller churches, and 24 of these churches united together for this event. In total, we reached close to 2,000 people with the Good News of Jesus Christ, and 94 people made a public decision for Jesus Christ during the event, of which 29 were people who made a first-time decision to repent and surrender to Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior! Join us in prayer for these precious lives who made commitments to the Lord, as they now begin to be nurtured into disciples through the involved local churches.

Here are a few testimonies of lives that were impacted: Several professors and coaches at a local college offered extra credit to their students if they attended the crusade…several students attended and two accepted Jesus Christ! Another woman, who turned to Christ a few months ago, invited her daughter to the crusade. The daughter attended the last night, and during the last call of the last stanza of the invitation, she came forward and surrendered to Christ! A man whose 21-year-old daughter recently passed away was deeply touched by a testimony from one of the band members. He received counsel and his faith in Christ was reinforced, and he was connected to a local church for spiritual growth and also for grief counseling. Your ministry partnership helped us to touch these lives with the love of Jesus Christ!

Next up—our Latin American team is fast at work preparing for our upcoming crusade in Santa Rosa, Honduras, November 4-7! Christians and church leaders in the involved local churches are already being equipped and mobilized for this unique event, and they are preparing to see their family, friends, and neighbors, turn to Jesus! I look forward to sharing more details with you next month about this exciting opportunity!

gods-paper-boy-bookcoverLast year a friend from church, writer Nita DeBorde, contacted me in regard to us working together to write a biography about my life and ministry. The book—God’s Paper Boy—is now finished. If you would like to purchase copies, the book is available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle e-book versions.

Thank you for your support and prayers! Your partnership in the Gospel is helping to change the lives of individuals and families throughout America and the globe!


For changing lives…worldwide,

Scott Nute

Scott Nute October 5, 2015 Filed in Newsletter No Responses

Passing Family Faith in New Mexico

mexico-01The main reason I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior at age 19 is because I wanted to go to Heaven when I die. I had no idea whatsoever of how Jesus could, and would, change my life so drastically. He has literally made me into a new person from the inside out! Now, 29 years after first meeting Jesus, I am able to return to the state—New Mexico—where our family of three (photo to the left from around 2001) moved to from the state of Missouri in 1979! I will be able to pass on to others the salvation that Jesus first gave to my mom, who then passed it to my brother and me (all three of us accepted Jesus in NM at various times and ways and locations)! Passing on our family faith will happen through our upcoming CRUSADE OF HOPE in Hobbs, New Mexico, September 13-16, 2015. This will be one of the greatest privileges of my life, and a constant support that has helped me keep going in this ministry is the love, encouragement, and prayers, of my mom, Pat, and my brother, Todd! Through the ups and downs of life, and through the geographical distance between us, our little family of three is going to Heaven someday and we are doing what we can to pass it on! Thank you Jesus for the passing on of family faith!

Twenty-four churches throughout the Hobbs, NM, area have united together for this event. Hobbs is a small town with 35,000 residents, and 65,000 people reside in the county. The crusade will take place in the Lea County Event Center (photo below), which seats over 6,000 people, so it will take a miracle from God to fill the arena. We have no idea what to expect, but we are going for it by faith knowing that HE is the God of miracles, and that HE does what HE wants, when HE wants! The crusade committee has prayed and prepared for this event for one year. We have been praying, and fasting, for hundreds of people to turn to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and have their lives drastically changed forever! Please join us in praying for both a harvest of souls and for a Great Spiritual Awakening!

mexico-02After the CRUSADE OF HOPE in Hobbs, NM, we will return to Central America to continue passing on the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Santa Rosa, Honduras, November 5-9, 2015. Our Latin Crusade Director, Victor Almendarez, has been working for several months mobilizing the involved local churches for the crusade. This event will be conducted in their local soccer stadium, Estadio Sergio Antonio Reyes. The local churches are being trained to share their faith, and Crusade Counselors will be equipped to follow-up those who make decisions for Jesus Christ. In tandem with the crusade, our partner Honduran evangelist, Frank Salazar, will be preaching the Gospel in numerous local schools and colleges, and then inviting all the students and faculty to the event.

As we go out to the nations with the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ, your generous support, and your powerful prayers, are asked for, and appreciated! Thank you for your help!

Passing on His salvation,

Scott Nute

Scott Nute September 3, 2015 Filed in Newsletter No Responses

America is Dead.

The last true Revival & Spiritual Awakening that happened in the United States was in the 1850s-1920s. This was called the Third Great Awakening, through which God’s Spirit rushed across America in tremendous power bringing about spiritual and social renewal and refocus. A major prayer movement began, during which the stock market crashed on October 10, 1857. This crash was called “the great panic,” and led to people flooding by the thousands to prayer meetings across New York City. People were leaving work to go to these prayer meetings, which then began to spread across the country. This awakening even impacted both the North and South armies during the Civil War as over 200,000 soldiers accepted Jesus Christ.

Several more major “things” took place as a result of this awakening, such as Christians actually beginning to verbally share their faith and not just “theoretically” discussing it in church…personal evangelism exploded! Plus, a literal worldwide missions movement began. Also, the “Abolition of Slavery” began with the passing of the 13th Amendment, then “Prohibition” started when the 18th Amendment passed that outlawed alcohol. The YMCA and the ion Army began, along with new evangelical denominations. Two key people who embodied this movement were evangelists D.L. Moody and Billy Sunday. These two men traveled the country preaching the message of THE CROSS and calling all people—even church people—to REPENT of their sins, and to deny themselves, and to prove their commitment to Jesus Christ by actions such as personal evangelism and missions involvement. What about us today…are we willing to let God soften our hearts, which have been hardened by the “comfort” and/or the “routine” and/or the “busyness” that living in the USA has provided for us? Are you and I regularly, and verbally, sharing our Christian faith with other people? Are you and I actively going on local and international mission trips (have you ever gone on a mission trip)? If no, why not? Is there any “legitimate” reason you cannot plan to go on a short-term mission trip within the next year? Is there any reason you won’t verbally share your faith in Jesus Christ with someone today, and tomorrow, and…?

The United States of America is dead. Only the God of Israel, through His Crucified & Resurrected Son—JESUS CHRIST—can bring life to America. Some Christians have been praying for decades that God will send another Revival & Spiritual Awakening that will “wake up” the American Christians. You may be too busy to pray for our country. But, to you who realize, and believe, that Jesus Christ is the only hope left for America, join us in praying for HIM to have mercy on us and our country, and that HE will send a NEW GREAT AWAKENING to the United States of America!

hobbs-crusadeWe are praying that the Lord will move in tremendous life-altering, and community-changing, power through our upcoming CRUSADE OF HOPE in Hobbs, NM, September 13-16, 2015…that God will do something that will spread throughout New Mexico and America. Only God is able to do this, and it is totally up to Him whether or not He chooses to send revival; but, we are going to pray, hope, and plan, and leave the rest to God. Personally, I just want to be a part of what God is doing in our country…and in faith, see how HE will use our ministry!

We have a PRAYER LIST covering requests for the CRUSADE OF HOPE in Hobbs, NM and for REVIVAL IN AMERICA. Also, we have a suggestion sheet for how to begin a HOME PRAYER GROUP in your area that will focus on praying specifically for our crusade and for revival in our country. You can print out both of these prayer sheets at www.scottnute.org/crusade-prayer.

For REPENTANCE, REVIVAL, and a NEW GREAT AWAKENING, in Hobbs, in New Mexico, and in America,

Scott Nute

Scott Nute August 4, 2015 Filed in Newsletter No Responses

Iceberg Ministry: A Life Changing Strategy!

My heart is full of joy and excitement when looking to future opportunities God has opened for our ministry! Later this year we will conduct our first Arena Crusade in the United States in Hobbs, NM, September 13-16, 2015. As for our international crusades…the globe is wide open! We return to Honduras this fall to conduct a crusade in a different region. Then, in 2016, we have opportunities in the most populated areas we have ever had crusades—El Salvador, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and other potential places!

pic1At this time of year, donations to our ministry always decrease due to good things like summer vacations and such; however, God’s Kingdom work continues to advance and WE NEED YOUR HELP, PLEASE! It is your support that enables our ministry to continue forward in reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our local-church-based Regionwide Crusades. These events always include the vital pre- and post-event mobilization and follow-up system we use (the photo to the left is a girl at our recent Honduras crusade receiving a first layer of local church follow-up from a Crusade Counselor). To illustrate the 6-12 month planning of an evangelistic crusade, imagine an iceberg: the tip above the water are the actual crusade services, which is 10% of the entire process, and the 90% of the iceberg that is “unseen” underwater is 50% pre-crusade local church training and preparation, and 40% is the post-crusade follow-up and discipleship through the involved local churches. We are seeing—by the grace of God—thousands of people coming to know Jesus Christ through the crusade system we are using. These new believers are then connected to the local churches for spiritual nurturing opportunities!

Iceberg-IllustrationOur ministry covers 100% of the expenses for our international crusades, of which the largest budget item is always renting public transportation to bring people to and from the crusade to hear the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ (the photo below, from our recent crusade in La Paz, Honduras, shows just one of the 155 public vehicles we rented)! The people we are reaching live in poverty and many will not attend the event if transportation is not provided. The average cost to bring one person to hear the Gospel at one of our crusades is $1.50-$3.00. The average cost for us to conduct our crusades on the highest level—to bring, reach, train, and follow-up, as many people as possible—is $40,000. At this point, the most beneficial way you can help our ministry is to become a monthly partner, which helps us to plan ahead! Giving both a GENERAL MONTHLY GIFT, and a DESIGNATED SPECIAL GIFT for each international crusade that we conduct, would be an ideal way to help us. Here are ways you can partner with us:

pic3On our website, you can conveniently set up an automatic monthly gift. Plus, you can donate stocks, securities, and real estate property through our account with the National Christian Foundation of Houston. When you make purchases on AmazonSmile, you can select our ministry to receive .5% of the amount you spend. And as always, sending a gift to our office is greatly appreciated! In whatever way the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to help us, we are grateful for your support!

For souls…being led to Heaven and rescued from Hell,

Scott Nute

Scott Nute July 1, 2015 Filed in Newsletter No Responses